February 19th, 2010: With all the changes to the website it’s taken a while for me to learn the new system and get some time to do another update so this will be a good long one!
First, Tom and I have been through St. Louis, Indy, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Omaha already and had great success at the shows this year! There’s just Phoenix and another Minneapolis show left this season and then we’ll be concentrating on hiring staff, moving supplies to the lodge and buying a few more odd parts and tools needed for the season.
Today I sent all our new motors, a new 18 foot boat and a truck and trailer to Norway House. Tomorrow we have 2 guys from Norway House who will break the trail into Bolton Lake to haul in our supplies. I’m hoping for a good report from them on the condition of the trail so that I can get everything I’ve bought for the lodge into camp. I should be there in the next few days to run the trail with my snowmobile and use our bombardier to haul in the boat, motors and truck. We’ll have some good pictures and video from this adventure if everything goes as planned!
Aswap Lake has been sold out since early January when we were in Chicago and our last week was filled. Joint Lake is sold out until August 12th and since the 12th is a Thursday, we can sell any length of trip that somebody could want as long as it starts on the 12th. We’re hoping to find 2-3 more groups for Joint Lake so that it’s filled until the end of August.
- At Bolton Lake we do not have a lot of dates still open, especially for larger groups. Here’s a list of open spots and the cabin sizes available as of today. Please do not hesitate to call or email if you’re looking for a specific spot because we can try to move things around to accommodate you.May 25 – 29 for up to 12 anglers for 4 days at $2199 per person
- May 29 – June 2 for up to 2 anglers for 4 days at $2199 per person
- June 6 – 13 for up to 2 anglers for 7 days at $2599 per person
- June 13 – 17 for 2 anglers for 4 day at $2199
- June 20 – 27 for up to 4 anglers for 7 days at $2599 – this trip can be June 23 – 27 for 4 days at $2199 per person.
- June 28 – July 4 for 2 anglers for 5 days of fishing at $2399 per person
- July 18 – 22 for up to 22 anglers for 4 days of fishing at $1999 per person
- July 18 – 25 for up to 10 anglers for 7 days of fishing at $2499 per person
- July 28 – August 1 for up to 4 anglers for 4 days of fishing at $2199 per person
- August 1 – 6 for up to 4 anglers for 6 days of fishing at $2499 per person
- August 11 – 15 for up to 20 anglers for 4 days of fishing at $1999 per person.
We are looking forward to the upcoming season, it will be here sooner than we think!